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Inglenook Gallery

Announcing WSS's newest art activation—Inglenook Gallery! This small, site-specific gallery featuring four local artists annually is located in the historic fireplace in the school's lobby. This initiative expands creative thinking and allows students to see problem-solving and innovation in action.

Let Us Go In The Direction of Life

by MasPaz

On View: August 2nd through September 30th

Artist Statement

In times of cellphones and too much connectivity, I enjoy disconnecting from the city and urban spaces in a canoe. I grew up canoeing with my family. It is healing for me. I like to find a calm spot in the river, lay down in the canoe and just float. The title of my piece is "Let us go in the direction of life" a quote from Vietnamese monk and peace leader, Thich Nhat Hanh. Let us hop in our vessels, have compassion for all living beings, stop the wars and go in the direction of life.

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Let Us Go In The Direction of Life is open from

August 2nd through September 30th. Members of the public are welcome.

This work is available for purchase. 

For Inquiries & Sales:
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About the Artist

MasPaz, a Colombian-born artist based in Washington DC, creates distinctive street murals focused on earth preservation and indigenous peoples, with his work featured in galleries across the US and Latin America. Embracing his name's meaning "more peace," he can often be found painting, teaching, or spreading this message abroad.

WSS programming and exhibitions are supported in-part by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. 

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